An exceptional pedigree to 1895
Los 21
BRUTTIUM. Terina. Circa 400-356 BC. Didrachm or Nomos (Silver, 20 mm, 7.46 g, 3 h). TEPINAION Head of the nymph Terina to right, wearing triple pendant earring and necklace. Rev. Nike seated left on cippus, wearing kiton and himation, holding flapping bird on her outstretched right hand and placing her left on cippus. HN Italy 2629. Holloway & Jenkins 84. Regling 78 (dies MM/οοο). SNG ANS 852 (same obverse die). Lightly toned and with an excellent pedigree. A few light scratches, otherwise, good very fine.

From the T. Frisbie Collection and from the Prospero Collection, The New York Sale XXVII, 4 January 2012, 116, ex J. Vinchon, 11-13 April 1988, 224, Ars Classica XV, 2 July 1930, 261, from the collections of Theodor Prowe, Egger XL, 2 May 1912, 296, H. Osborne O'Hagan, Esq. ('Fellow of the Royal Numismatic Society, and member of the British Numismatic Society, who is relinquishing the pursuit'), Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge, 4-9 May 1908, 104, H. C. Hoskier, Hirsch XX, 13 November 1907, 101 and Le Marquis Carlo Strozzi, Sangiorgi, 15-22 April 1907, 1274, and from the Earl of Ashburnham Collection, Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge, 6-7 May 1895, 28 (not illustrated).
5000 CHF
4000 CHF
13000 CHF
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